Subsequent to the completion of the 'House W' design, there comes my profound awareness of the impact of architecture on man and nature. The relations of the some entities entirely join and grow together.

"Architecture is an art that places light, wind, and heat all together in space," in which I have firm belief. I then grasp this principle in my next study for a subject of design.

It occurred around November 2009 on a sunny morning with a gentle breeze. On my visit to a suburban village, I heard the chirps of new-born little birds on a tree near a small house. I took a close look and saw a man-made wooden container with the size of a mail box hanging from the tree. But the baby birds were not inside the bird-house. Their parents had constructed in their own ways a platform on top of the bird house for a palm-sized nest made with twigs to reside.

“Why didn't the birds build a nest inside the bird house?” The question was endlessly lingering on my mind, prompting me to do some concerned research in the library. At first, I spent a lot of time unnecessarily because of the sphere of the issue being so broad and obscure. Later, I narrowed down the wide extent to concrete and applicable detail and started to peruse books relating to the habitat of birds. The first few months were devoted to researching and observation of birds and trees in the countryside. After acquiring fundamental knowledge and some useful data, I returned to my studio to begin laying out my bird house.

I completed several drawings on the integrated concept in a month. The next move was to attest to the viability of the design.

The material chosen for the bird house is known as fiberglass mat, a sort of highly-performing, durable, washable,and light-filtering modern material. It is readily available in the market. Yet, demand is low thanks to the complicated procedure of manufacturing. Notwithstanding shortage of fund and resource, I resolved to do it myself. I did not have the experience of making fiberglass mat nor could I find any concerned production courses to study. Nonetheless, I learned the techniques from the Internet footage and tested them repeatedly in series of operations performed.

Eventually. My birdhouse 'Niao' was made.

Owing to the previous hiking experience, locating an appropriate wood as a testing spot in the countryside was the easiest link in the entire procedure. On a remote small island, I placed Niao on a selected big tree, together with some bird food as diverse as peanut, flower seed, oat, and maze in an attempt to draw birds.

A week later, I went there to observe. It was so delightful Niao was still on the tree but the bird food inside stayed the same,no more, no less. The interior of Niao saw water settling, probably due to the rainfall several days ago. There was a round hole at the bottom of Niao designed to drainage. I drilled it larger with a view to tackling the problem of water depositing there. I washed Niao and put it well in place with a supply of fresh bird food. Then I left in silence. In a week's time, I went back to have a look. Despite the rainy days, the interior was not stained with rainwater. The problem was finally solved. There were traces of the bird food eaten up. There was a delightful omen!

Five weeks later, I witnessed an exciting scene which I shall not forget. I sighted a couple of birds flying to and fro around Niao. They had already moved in! I remained struck on the scene for several minutes before I slowly took out my camera to picture. I succeeded at length.

There is no need to depend on decoration. Find the beauty of something as regards its workable value in the manner of nature from the perspective of a user.

From the construction of the birdhouse, I am well on course to the originality of design.



Nature: bird house

Material: fiberglass mat

Dimension: 150mm length

Weight: 86g

Time: 2009.11-2010.07

Press: m.e. design magazine, yanko design, trend hunter, commercial times cn, cida, etc.


oil monkey limited © all rights reserved



1. Absorption of light: Fiberglass mat is the right material adopted as it is light, durable, washable and easily penetrated by light. Birds residing indoors can feel light and warmth from the sun.


2. Ventilation: The use of a design involving only one hole hardly contributes to indoor ventilation. The solution is to drill a relatively small hole in the bottom portion right behind the house. This can substantially improve ventilation.


3. Indoor temperature: To tackle overly high temperature indoors due to prolonged sunshine in the open air, the curved surface design is adopted for the exterior of the house. The curved surface can effectively divert solar radiation and hence lower indoor temperature.


4. Drainage: Excretion and rainwater are normally released outside through the four small round holes at the bottom of the house while simultaneously the house is stabilized on the trunk with ropes through the same round holes.
